Quality, Safety & Environmental Policies
WHS Policy
Grove Scaff is committed to the management of Work Health and Safety, by developing and implementing a planned and systematic approach to the management of safety.
Grove Scaff aims to minimise the risk of injury and disease to all its workers, contractors, visitors and all other persons in the organisation’s worksites by ensuing that the WHS Management system is implemented, monitored, reviewed and continually improved.
The objectives of this policy are to ensure:
A work environment is provided and maintained without risks to health and safety
The work environment has hazards identified and controls implemented, monitored and reviewed for the purpose of preventing illness or injury to workers
That there is fair and effective workplace representation, consultation, cooperation and issue resolution in relation to work health and safety
All workers receive appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to protect them from risks to their health and safety
Compliance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)
Compliance with Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA), Codes of Practices, Australian Standards and industry related standards
Grove Scaff will achieve the objectives of this policy through continual improvement and revision of the WHS Management System.
The WHS Management System will provide a framework to describe strategies and initiatives that will be implemented to improve the management of safety and objectives and targets that will measure performance across all Grove Scaff's activities.
Quality Policy
Grove Scaff is a proud, family-owned South Australian business providing high level Scaffolding equipment and consultation to the building and construction sector. Founded in 1983, the Company has maintained an uncompromising focus on safety and professional service. Exceeding industry norms and setting the bar high in our industry, the Company is committed to a philosophy of continual improvement at all levels and in all aspects of our business.
To that end, the Company has implemented a robust Integrated Management System that conforms to the international requirements of both ISO 9001:2015 (International Standard for Quality) and ISO 45001:2018 (International Standard for Safety). Furthermore, the Company is audited by an independent third-party annually to ensure we stay at the top of our game.
The objectives of this policy are to ensure:
All Grove Scaff staff and contractors understand our commitment to high levels of quality in everything we do.
Ensuring our commitment to satisfy applicable requirements is maintained including our commitment to legislative requirements, industry standards and customer expectations.
We exceed industry norms and set a standard of practice that compels others in the industry to act in an ethical, productive and safe manner at all times.
Grove Scaff will achieve the objectives of this policy through a philosophy of continual improvement and revision of the Integrated Management System. Through effective systemisation of our business, the maintenance of a healthy workplace culture and a genuine care for our client’s safety and needs we believe our Company will continue to be seen as the pre-eminent player in our industry.
Environmental and Waste Management Policy
Grove Scaff recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers, contractors, and customers. This commitment extends to ensuring that the organization’s operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness, property, and environmental damage.
In meeting the objectives for environmental sustainability, Grove Scaff will:
Increase the use of environmentally acceptable materials and equipment in place of those which are considered harmful.
Reduce waste through innovative work and recycling practices.
Provide written procedures and instructions to ensure controlled systems of work.
Ensure compliance with legislative requirements and current industry standards.
Encourage consultation and co-operation between management, workers and relevant parties in matters which may affect or impact the environment
Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to workers, contractors, and customers to ensure that environmental safeguards are maintained.
Management is responsible for:
Involvement in the development, promotion and implementation of environmental policies and procedures.
Training workers in the performance of their assigned tasks.
The provision of resources to meet environmental commitments.
Employees are to:
Follow environmental policies and procedures.
Recognises and report all hazards which may affect the health of the environment.
Application of the Policy
This policy is applicable to Grove Scaff in all its operations and functions.